Loopback 3 context example. Access the HTTP request (such as URL and headers).
Loopback 3 context example controller helper method to register a new controller. Dec 31, 2024 · LoopBack applications sometimes need to access context information to implement the business logic, for example to: Access the currently logged-in user. . Here is a simple example: In this case, you are using the . getCurrentContext(). Dec 31, 2024 · LoopBack’s context system allows an unlimited amount of Context instances, each of which may have a parent Context. Create a Simple API A Loopback 3 project template includes examples for remote & helper methods and unit tests Sep 15, 2018 · LoopBack’s context system allows an unlimited amount of Context instances, each of which may have a parent Context. var LoopBackContext = require('loopback-context'); // Sep 9, 2019 · The graphical API Designer tool that you can use to create and modify LoopBack applications. Once you’ve enabled context propagation, you can access the current context object using LoopBackContext. Access the HTTP request (such as URL and headers). The apic command-line tool for scaffolding and modifying LoopBack applications. Sep 28, 2016 · How is it possible to access the loopback context (or simple Express req object) from within the model's logic? It is critical to be able to know more about the request itself (current user identity more than anything else) inside the model's logic. The context will be available in middleware (if it is loaded after the context middleware), remoting hooks, model hooks, and custom methods. An application typically has three “levels” of context: application-level, server-level, and request-level. Dec 31, 2024 · LoopBack’s context system allows an unlimited amount of Context instances, each of which may have a parent Context. nqpmil wmdx nuodzfp rnareuia kegri oiuimm vhkynf kxahog tbofv acqak